Board of Directors

Kristina Cloversettle

Kristina Cloversettle, BSN, RN, NE-BC

MedSurg Nurse Manager at Advent Health Dade City

Recommended by the President of the Senate. Term dates: 8/19/22–6/30/2024

Julianne Colle

Julianne Colle, BSN, RN

TMH Physician Partners at Surgical Specialist

Recommended by the Speaker of the House. Term dates: 8/19/22–6/30/2025

Suzanne Depew

Suzanne Depew, MSN-Ed, RN

Practical Nursing Director/Instructor at Riveroak Technical College

Recommended by State DOE. Term dates: 8/19/22–6/30/2026

Mary Anne Enns

Mary Anne Enns, DNP, RN, CNE

Practical Nursing Instructor at School District of Lee County

Recommended by State DOE. Term dates: 8/19/22–6/30/2023

Michele Heston

Michele Heston, PhD, RN, CNE

Vice President for Academic Affairs & Student Services at South Florida State College

Recommended by State DOE. Term dates: 8/19/22–6/30/2024

Joanne S Hoertz

Joanne S. Hoertz, RN, MSN, CRRN

Chief Nursing Officer at Brooks Rehabilitation

Recommended by the Speaker of the House. Term dates: 12/27/23–6/30/2024

Robert M Keiser

Robert M. Keiser, PhD, MBA

Vice Chancellor of the Graduate School at Keiser University

Recommended by the Governor. Term dates: 8/19/22–6/30/2024

Louisana Louis

Louisana Louis, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC

Visiting Associate Professor & Pipeline Coordinator at Florida Atlantic University, CEO of Prestige Health and Wellness

Recommended by the Speaker of the House. Term dates: 8/19/22–6/30/2025

Robin McGuinness

Robin McGuinness, DNP, RN, CENP

Senior Executive Officer and Chief Nurse Executive at Advent Health West Florida

Recommended by the President of the Senate. Term dates: 8/19/22–6/30/2026

Jacqueline Munro

Jacqueline Munro, PhD, APRN, NE-BC

Vice President of Nursing Systems and Resources at BayCare Health System

Recommended by the Governor. Term dates: 8/19/22–6/30/2024

Michele Panetta

Michele Panetta, MSN, APRN, CRNA

Owner of VESE Medical Spa & CRNA at St. Luke’s Cataract and Laser Institute

Recommended by the Governor. Term dates: 12/27/23–6/30/2025

Monica Puga

Monica Puga, MSN, RN

Senior Vice President and Chief Nurse Executive at Memorial Health System

Recommended by the Governor. Term dates: 12/27/23–6/30/2026

Leslie Rogers

Leslie Rogers, PhD, MBA, BSN, RN

Director Procedural Departments, WOC, and Magnet Program Director at Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute

Recommended by the President of the Senate. Term dates: 12/27/23–6/30/2026

464.0196 Florida Center for Nursing; Board of Directors.—

(1) The Florida Center for Nursing shall be governed by a policy-setting board of directors. The board shall consist of 16 members, with a simple majority of the board being nurses representative of various practice areas. Other members shall include representatives of other health care professions, business and industry, health care providers, and consumers. The members of the board shall be appointed by the Governor as follows: 

(a) Four members recommended by the President of the Senate, at least one of whom shall be a registered nurse recommended by the Florida Organization of Nurse Executives and at least one other representative of the hospital industry recommended by the Florida Hospital Association; 

(b) Four members recommended by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, at least one of whom shall be a registered nurse recommended by the Florida Nurses Association and at least one other representative of the long-term care industry; 

(c) Four members recommended by the Governor, two of whom shall be registered nurses; 

(d) One nurse educator recommended by the Board of Governors who is a dean of a College of Nursing at a state university; and 

(e) Three nurse educators recommended by the State Board of Education, one of whom must be a director of a nursing program at a Florida College System institution. 

(2) The initial terms of the members shall be as follows: 

(a) Of the members appointed pursuant to paragraph (1)(a), two shall be appointed for terms expiring June 30, 2005, one for a term expiring June 30, 2004, and one for a term expiring June 30, 2003. 

(b) Of the members appointed pursuant to paragraph (1)(b), one shall be appointed for a term expiring June 30, 2005, two for terms expiring June 30, 2004, and one for a term expiring June 20, 2003. 

(c) Of the members appointed pursuant to paragraph (1)(c), one shall be appointed for a term expiring June 30, 2005, one for a term expiring June 30, 2004, and two for terms expiring June 30, 2003. 

(d) Of the members appointed pursuant to paragraph (1)(d), the terms of two members recommended by the State Board of Education shall expire June 30, 2005; the term of the member who is a dean of a College of Nursing at a state university shall expire June 30, 2004; and the term of the member who is a director of a state community college nursing program shall expire June 30, 2003. 

After the initial appointments expire, the terms of all the members shall be for 3 years, with no member serving more than two consecutive terms. 

(3) The board shall have the following powers and duties: 

(a) To employ an executive director. 

(b) To determine operational policy. 

(c) To elect a chair and officers, to serve 2-year terms. The chair and officers may not succeed themselves. 

(d) To establish committees of the board as needed. 

(e) To appoint a multidisciplinary advisory council for input and advice on policy matters. 

(f) To implement the major functions of the center as established in the goals set out in s. 464.0195. 

(g) To seek and accept nonstate funds for sustaining the center and carrying out center policy. 

(4) The members of the board are entitled to receive per diem and allowances prescribed by law for state boards and commissions. 

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